See where you are now,

and choose where you want to be.

Find clarity so you can move what’s in the way, and get to the vision you’ve imagined

When it comes to big decisions, dilemmas, losses, or any kind of personal challenge, I can help you clarify values and strengths to bring your best efforts to what truly matters most to you. 

You will discover deeper hope and learn intentional strategies to take you from here and now to where you really want to be.

What coaching can do for you

Coaches are not advice givers.  They are trained to listen and ask questions that give you space to discover your beliefs, motivations and inspirations, as well as what gets in your way.  You can explore what has been tripping you up, and what gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning.  You will come away with a fresh view about your problems, opportunities, possibilities, and a vision that can move your dreams from chance to change.


A Fresh View Coaching

A Fresh View is designed to bring 1:1 coaching to anyone who would like to access affordable professional services that might be beyond their current financial resources.  

A Fresh View believes that bringing spirituality into a coaching relationship is like adding rocket fuel in terms of insight, deeper motivation, commitment, and ability to navigate obstacles and create partnership with God — or whatever that higher power might be for you. Even goals that don’t seem to have a spiritual component to them, such as getting a handle on your anger, will become more powerful as we add your personal beliefs to the process.  

Schedule a free discovery call to see if A Fresh View is a fit for you. 

Each A Fresh View program includes:

  • A 30-minute discovery call to assess whether this is a fit for you and determine your commitment level.

  • A coaching package of at least three sessions to complete a process of vision, strategy, action, obstacles, accountability, and then adjustments, as added insights and implementation happen.

  • Weekly or twice-a-month sessions, 50 minutes each, with a short progress form submitted at least 12 hours before each session to assess and focus your direction.

Current coaching packages

Come and see

One-time offer of 3 introductory sessions — $150

Find out what faith-based coaching can do for you as you consider how you would like your life to be different, and how your beliefs, values, and strengths can be the energy to begin a new vision. (All 3 sessions must be used within a two-month period.)

So much to Explore

So much to EXPLORE: 3 sessions— $175

What are your core values, communication style, spiritual gifts, and mindset? Learn how assessments can help you understand yourself and how to use your God-given strengths.   Includes the costs of DISC assessment, spiritual gifts, values, and communication tools. 

Moving Mountains

3 sessions— $175 | 6 sessions — $300 

After an initial coaching series, ongoing coaching further develops your courage and mindset to see life differently and find resiliency and skills to match your challenge.  I recommend coaching a minimum of 3 months, meeting 3-4 times per month, as it often takes 9 -12 sessions to solidify life changes that are truly transformative and sustainable.  Anything can be discussed, from figuring out why you continue to procrastinate that project you can’t get off the ground, or setting a frighteningly fantastic goal, to handling the death or difficult situation of someone you love. With your faith as the fuel, you’ll feel lighter and more hopeful as you sense your unique place in God’s heart and your place in the world.  

Tune-ups — individual sessions at the professional rate of $60/session — are available without a package after completing at least one series.  

Ready to get A Fresh View?

We can make coaching affordable for you

These packages are designed to bring in the financial resources needed to keep A Fresh View afloat. I work to keep these prices well below the typical $90-$150 per session price of most private coaching. My hope is to provide professional coaching services for people who really want or need them at a fraction of the cost. 

“Loaves and fishes” options

If financial hardship is your only reason to not start coaching and changing your life for the better, please consider what you could offer. The big question is “What would be affordable for you?”  What can you bring to the table? Maybe you could make a co-pay similar to your medical insurance. Or maybe you could find some funds by giving up some “retail therapy” or an indulgence that you’ve been wanting to limit. Does your mom always ask what you want for your birthday? Maybe coaching is the answer! 

I love creative thinking, so please be brave and let’s talk about it! We can come up with an innovative, inspirational way to make this all work out for you, if you really want to.  Seriously.  I get excited just thinking about it.

Let’s make coaching work for you!  

Learn more about pricing for chaplaincy and coaching on the FAQ page.

Who is A Fresh View for?

It’s for people who …

  • Don’t need mental health counseling, but want someone to talk to and help them sort through a problem or difficult situation

  • Don’t have funds for expensive coaching or therapy

  • Don’t know who to trust with private struggles

  • Want to clarify their values and strengths and move forward on some new goal or idea

  • Are in spiritual distress and would like to discuss their spiritual journey to discover or uncover spiritual impressions for their life

  • Are ready to address problems of grief 

  • Need more motivation to overcome anger, procrastination, or distractions

  • Feel stuck and are looking for a new approach or A Fresh View about themselves, God and the world 

It’s not for people who … *

  • Are not willing to trust, be open, and honest

  • Are not willing to schedule sessions and be accountable to show up 

  • Want to change their spouse, child, boss, in-law, or some other person

  • Aren’t ready to consider new ways of thinking and feeling  

But if you are ready, let’s talk!  

Schedule a discovery call to see how we can work together.

Still have questions?

Read the FAQs here.

*Coaching is not therapy, counseling, mental healthcare, or treatment for substance abuse or any addictive behavior. A coach does not function as a licensed mental health professional, therapist or counselor, and coaching is not intended as a replacement for psychiatric interventions, treatment for mental illness, recovery from past abuse, professional medical advice, financial assistance, or legal counsel. 


Do you have a friend who would like someone to talk with? Give the gift of coaching!

I have some lovely gift card emails that I can send for you to forward on, or I can send a gift card in the mail. 

To request a gift card, get in touch through the Contact page.


Many small gifts to A Fresh View have been the genesis of this new idea.  Any amount of financial or technical support is appreciated more than you will ever know.  I plan to establish a specific scholarship fund once we cover the website development and its sustaining costs.  

At this point, we are not an official non-profit, but I am happy to send a letter of acknowledgment to recognize your gift.  

Thank you!

Please contact me through the Contact page, and let’s talk!

“A different perspective”

“I loved meeting with Vicki. I was very impressed that she was able to ask me great questions, and that she allowed me the chance to really ponder and explore them before sharing her own observations. She was very good at meeting me where I was, and then gently helping me to see things from different perspectives. I came away from our sessions with new insights to help me as I approach problems in the future. My time with Vicki was time very well spent!”

- Deanna, coaching client